LoopBack @ Node.js Leipzig Meetup

Björn Strobach - @bstrobach

LoopBack 4: Build amazing APIs

A platform for building APIs and microservices in Node.js

Björn Strobach - Node.js Meetup Leipzig - July 2019


Who is this guy?

Björn Strobach
Software Developer @MrAppWare, Magdeburg GitHub: @bstrobach
Twitter: @bstrobach
Xing: http://xing.to/bstrobach
Slides & Code: https://github.com/bstrobach/loopback-nodejs-leipzig

What are we talking about?

LoopBack - What?

LoopBack is a highly extensible, open-source Node.js framework based on Express that enables you to quickly create APIs and microservices composed from backend systems such as databases and SOAP or REST services.

LoopBack Docs

Cool, who did it?

And why should I use it?

Nice, tell me more about concepts


A class that implements operations defined by an application’s API

Implements an applications business logic

Acts as bridge between the HTTP/REST API and domain/database models


Describes business domain objects

Usually defines a list of properties with name, type, and other constraints

Can be used for data exchange on the wire or between different systems

Data Sources?

A config for a Connector instance that represents data in an external system

LoopBack supports many different external system, e.g.

In-memory DB, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ...


Represents a specialized service interface that provides strong-typed data access (for example, CRUD) operations of a domain model against the underlying database or service.

Easy, how can I use it?

CLI? Like the Angular CLI?

Wow, how can I start developing?

That's all.


Q & A

Thank you.